Isabelle Musnik
Directrice de publication de la revue INfluencia.
Fondatrice et directrice de la revue trimestrielle INfluencia et de sa newsletter quotidienne, elle a été rédactrice en chef du Guide de Luxe et éditrice du magazine CB News, pour lequel elle dirigeait les numéros « Spécial Luxe ».Founder and director of the quarterly magazine INfluencia and its daily newsletter. She is both a former editor-in-chief of Guide de Luxe and editor of CB News magazine where she oversaw Special Luxury issues.
Dernière parution
The Luxury Empire
Accelerations and Disruptions
Collection :
Parution :
octobre 2022
Yves Hanania, Isabelle Musnik, Philippe Gaillochet
The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically advanced the changes that started before the pandemic in the luxury sector. For instance, how is the luxury empire responding to its many challenges, such as the new ways of consumption and...